Monday, 15 December 2014


Every now and then something unforeseen and special happens. Something that logic or reason will tell you is either impossible or that the odds against it happening is too overwhelming. Yet when those things happen occasionally, it fills us with so much wonderment.

The question that comes to mind: Are they miracles, may be flukes or coincidences? Or do they hint at some sort of superior or philosophical power? Perhaps it could be another dimension of reality that exists just beyond the range of the human mind, something like karma, fate, destiny or divinity?

Before we go further, let’s explain what is Coincidence?
It is an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising.


Whether coincidences are meaningful remains a mystery.

People tell stories and make connections in an attempt to justify coincidences. They almost seem unwilling to admit that things could have been different. A typical coincidence story is about how they met their partners… If only they had not gone on that date, if only this.., if only that… well, what about it..? Even if they had not met their current partner they would have met someone else and may be could have been happier or unhappier or maybe they would not have been at the same place or in the same situation they find themselves now. Often people get caught up on some weird coincidences they share with their partner or how they met as if this means it is a sign from the Universe that they should be together.. Those coincidences actually has nothing to do with the quality of their relationship.

I am a firm believer that things are as they are for a purpose and that it always work out for the best. You might not understand the purpose at the time but eventually you will (or may be not). Each one of us exists due to a single extraordinary event.

One thing we can ask about coincidence, is whether the events in our lives are objective or subjective? Is there perhaps a deeper order, an overarching purpose to the universe? Or are we the lucky accidents of evolution, living our precious lives in a random world that only has the meaning we choose to give it?

Do you believe in coincidences OR do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

“The things that come to us easily, our propensities, are carried on a deep subconscious level into our next life. There are no coincidences.”  ― Raquel Cepeda

 “Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.” ― Emery Allen

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