Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Clarity. Power. Purpose. Balance. Energy.

  • Do you sometimes feel like your life is out of control? 
  • Like you’re just going through the motions and have no firm grip?
  • Like your hopes and dreams have somehow become unclear/lost along the way?
  • That you are spending all your energy being everything to everyone?
  • Questioning what you always believed to be true?
  • Thinking there must be more?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, it is time to reflect and claim back your life.
Focus on the YOU part, treat yourself like you really matter - so that you can create the life that YOU wish to have.

We are so used to putting others first. We  try to be everything to everyone and so often loose our self in the process. Deep down, you know that you deserve more. You deserve to feel confident in knowing who you are, what matters to you and what you want in life  – so that you can create a life that inspires, stimulates and energizes you.
Take a step back and get CLARITY what it is you want in life. What makes you happy? What gets that beautiful smile to appear on your face? What makes your heart beat faster? What makes you want to strive for more...? Try and link these with your PURPOSE in life.
Use your "POWER and ENERGY" to manage the uncertainties and pressures that life presents.
Get a BALANCE and this means to have a grip on the various elements in your life. Be calm, grounded and motivated.
Sometimes unexpected or unwanted things happen in life that would take the wind out of our sails but throughout these it is important that we approach it with Clarity and use a Balance to understand the Purpose and use our Power and Energy to work through it to create a life we are proud of. Don't allow your heart and mind to get pulled in many directions - do what is important to YOU!
Acknowledge | Examine | Set Goals | Reflect | Connect | Empower

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