Thursday, 12 March 2015

LIFE is like a Rollercoaster

I recently told someone life is like a rollercoaster & the response was "..but can't mine just be like a normal ride on a swing at a merry-go-round with no ups & downs? "
And this led me to write this post.
As with a rollercoaster, LIFE at times become thrilling and other times it is scary. There are moments of great excitement and anticipation - like when you get on the rollercoaster and it starts moving and making its way to the first climb. There are certain times where you feel your life is going in circles, people leaving you, you are facing decisions that are hard to make, going through situations that is just so difficult to deal with, you feel like you have been there before but still struggle to come to terms on how to effectively handle it. There are so many similarities and life experiences we can relate to that of a ride on a rollercoaster. Both are wonderful adventures, both start with a big drop, both have its ups and downs.
Whether you take the front seat or one right at the back - you will experience the ride in some way or the other. Your experience might be completely different to that of the person sitting next to or behind you - the most important is to 'participate' in the ride.. You are on the ride (whether Life or Rollercoaster) - Be present, have fun, enjoy the ride. Just watching as it goes by is just not the same. The one minute both can be exciting and fun and the next it can have you terrified, screaming even crying that it must be over.. Both experiences is always more entertaining when shared with others, that's why relationships with people (family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances etc.) are important.
Embrace the idea that you are not alone on this "rollercoaster ride of life". There are others also experiencing similar situations of excitement & happiness or situations of frustration & uncertainty. Always remember tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow promises the possibility of new hope, another opportunity, better and wonderful events, exciting times, to improve the ride. Certain encounters in life can be challenging, you just need to hold on whether you are you are going up-or-down hill.

Take a moment and reflect on where you are today and what direction you are choosing for your life.
  • Are you merely on a merry-go-round ride, repeating old mistakes?
  • Are you sitting back and holding on for dear life as your ride take you on ups and downs?
  • OR are you embracing the challenges of each day by choosing to evaluate and learn from them?
Always look for the lesson. There is always a lesson to take from each and every challenge you are going through. Use this to navigate your journey in a much more enriched and satisfying way.

Embrace your lessons and grow with your experiences. Fill your journey with the promise of a new day – a new more fulfilling direction in your life.

By searching for and learning from these lessons; life experiences become less painful and much more manageable. They may even become rich with previously hidden blessings and enrich your future!!

"My hands are up in the air, whether I am screaming or crying - I am on this ride and enjoying every curve it takes me on."


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