Monday, 12 October 2015

Anothers perspective

Consideration and true understanding of another persons perspective can bring great value to those involved. Acknowledge that everyone is unique in thoughts, ways and approach of doing and dealing with things. Every person you meet has a different background and life experience.

In order to get to know a person better or in an attempt to understand their perspective, ask questions, do not assume. Be present and listen attentively to what is being said. Though your perspective is valuable, it is not the only one.

Seek ways to relate with people. Depending on their experience in life, their opinion, ideas & outlook in life might be completely different to yours - try to see things from their point of view and by doing this you might learn something new.

To better understand put yourself in their shoes - IF it was you, think about the "how would I feel, what would I do, what would i have said" in that context.

Listen attentively and keep an open mind throughout, wait until they are done and then give your opinion.

Be objective and evaluate what the person has said and identify if they have enough ground to stand on (information/facts to support their point) Consider their perspective but if you are not comfortable with it and don't agree, challenge them, turn it upside down, flip it around, who knows the exciting ground breaking possibilities you may learn from it.


“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.”

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